Thursday, March 4, 2021

Kundiman x Solenn

This is such a HOT HOT HOT topic in the interwebs today! Literally "art attack" or rather, "art attacked".

When Ms. Solenn posted this photo on her Instagram account yesterday, I immediately felt rather "disturbed". So I asked my husband, "hey, look at this pic and tell me what you think." In his normal fashion he just said, "okay naman!"

Perhaps he was just busy with his SOS (wow sakto! state of survival game) on mobile, he was just too preoccupied with his busy or maybe even blank thoughts so I again said, "sige na tignan mo ulit".

Source INSTAGRAM of Solenn Heussaff Bolzico

Syempre not satisfied that he wasn't seeing what I was seeing, I had to "launch" a discussion hahahaha...a mid-length one and when I finished sharing my thoughts hubby just asked, "so, what's your point??" And then I said that I just wanted to share my views and discuss it with him. Then he again asked "yeah, and then how will that affect the artist? How will that affect the people in that area? May magbabago ba?"

For the husband, nothing is wrong and nothing is even worthy of discussion with the thoughts I shared with him. Kasi nga naman, perhaps with this photoshoot, the community earned their keep and it would have been a fun experience too meeting a very talented, beautiful, and down-to-earth artist. And it's not everyday that you get to experience this level of art anywhere in the Metro. It's a win, right? It's most likely a win, yes?

So back to: MAY MAGBABAGO BA? question he asked me. I told him that obviously the artist has her own meaning, interpretation, artistic freedom to execute her art. Hubby even said that it's probably public domain road where we can do as we please as long as its within bounds of reason and the law.

Honestly, I told my hubby that I don't expect to change anyone or the world. I said that if I can make him see what I'm seeing then that's enough for me. And we can put the IG discussion to rest and have our breakfast hahaha :)

My observation is simple but I've been afraid to share it because I fear that no one shares the same sentiments as mine (yes, I read comments haha)... more than that, Solenn's creations are really beautiful so I don't ever want her to feel that her art babies are being mocked or that she is being diminished as a person.

IT IS NOT SOLENN'S FAULT. It just so happens that the artist, myself as part of the audience, and basically all of us are part of the reality of this SOCIAL REALISM. A society where we are allowed to casually step into the realm of the marginalized, regardless of our purpose (whether we wish to help, take advantage, etc.). A society where the marginalized are prohibited or restricted from sharing space with the rich - except perhaps as part of the workforce or maybe as painted art on a canvass. 

That was really the thing that disturbed me: the jolting realization that indeed there are 2 worlds. We may not like it but it is what it is for now. And the helplessness of asking yet another pivotal question: "What can we do?"

Will there come a day that a talented yet impoverished artist will be able to casually pull up a chair and pose with his/her art amidst lush mansions in the background?

When that day comes, I guess we can start answering to the question "MAY MAGBABAGO BA?"

-Madz Lim-
March 4, 2021

P.S. Congratulations and Thank you to Ms. Solenn. You have indeed created art pieces that are so thought-provoking it forces us to have discussions and really think about our world. I'm very sure that your Kundiman series will be able to help in more ways than one, in helping that artist break this divide. More power and hello to Tili and Nico! :D


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