You know what this means....E is now 6 months old! Yipee!!! :D I'm honestly feeling blah today, maybe because of the weather. Somehow that also affected how I felt towards E's start with solid food. Huhuhu...sorry baby! :(
We started the day with Miss Z's ballet class and I thought I could just steam E's food using the Pigeon Steamer/Food Warmer. Easy peasy, right? Well it was a bust! Hahaha...I've been steaming it for 2 hours at 80 deg C but the squash was still hard as a rock, way past lunch time! Decided we'd have a nap for the kiddos first then just try again in the afternoon.
So knowing what we know now, we just boiled the squash and mashed it with (surprise!) ordinary spoon and fork hahaha...Goes to show how we become more "practical" as second-time parents. Sorry E!!! I'm still excited to see him eat his first solids but what I've learned from the first child, we try to apply now...and so, practical matters win today.
Truth be told, it felt like a normal weaning day. Not so much fanfare for us (except for this video and blog), heck I even forgot his bib! Somehow I trust that this kid won't have difficulties transitioning from boobie milk to solid food.
See for yourself! :)