“Babies are such a nice way to start people.”
-Don Herold
We didn't really have anything to celebrate Z's 18th month with over the past weekend (oh, we did celebrate with a goddaughter's 1st!) . Although I had it in mind to at least get a small cake, Daddy A thought it's unnecessary. So let me just mark this milestone (it is, for me!) with this blog post.
If you noticed, I stopped giving a month on month update about Z. That's on account of her growing to be her own person, and respecting her privacy and sense of self. Well I really am not sure she'll be thrilled to see her mom document every fart or tantrum, this side of the web! Hahaha :)
But Z being 1 and 1/2 years old, to this mom, feels like the cusp of finally graduating to full toddler hood. It is indeed a milestone worth remembering, worth documenting. I don't know what this really entails. I just feel happy, proud and a bit melodramatic that we seem to be entering a new phase.
On a personal side, there are some dynamics of our baby care that's probably about to change. I dunno how soon but let me just assume that it's SOON enough, to treasure every bit of these special moments.
Okay, we love our Tula baby carrier, still do! But, Z is getting heavier (and that's a good thing) and her Tula is getting smaller for her (even with the free-to-grow extension). I'm just worried that in a few more months, my back won't be able to take babywearing anymore.
At this point, I'm seriously contemplating getting a Tula Toddler carrier, an umbrella stroller or maybe just bring back her Safety 1st stroller (which I think we haven't used in a year). Or all of the above!
Yes, as I shared in my previous post, we're still a bed-sharing and co-sleeping family. Sometimes it's a PITA especially when she decides to go perpendicular to us (if you have a little one, you'd understand why we dare not move her back -- baka magising!). King sized bed, really a good decision ---- no, this is the BEST decision ever! Hahahaha. Oh and if you want to know, we've taken out the bed frame to prevent falls, and of course (of course!) laid out colorful rubber mats around the mattress, in case she accidentally rolls to the floor.
What about her crib? Yup, what crib??? I guess she'll only take to it if she's really passed out asleep from her day's activities. Otherwise, I try for a "successful transfer" at least 3x a week so she'll get used to it. But 3-4 hours tops she'll be up and let us know (read: cry) that she wants to go back to our bed...maybe she thinks it's her bed?!?
Yep, still at it! Though I really wonder, does she still get a lot / something from it? It's not a 24/7 thing anymore but anytime we're out, I still have to be in breastfeeding clothes. I guess this is the major reason we're still bed sharing and co sleeping, it is by far easier to just lift the shirt than to get up in the middle of the night and prepare milk.
Right now I'm researching how to ease into weaning, both for her and my sake. I hope she doesn't get withdrawal anxiety and I won't get mastitis or anything remotely related. But, do I have to pump? Or maybe just get a weaning for dummies book...hehe, kidding! :)
Another consideration is how long will it take before she self-weans? My dad is betting Z will have me go to school when she wants mommy milkie! Hahaha..So while occupied with those thoughts, my mind wanders into this territory: what if, on the flip side, she suddenly stops..suddenly weans completely, cold turkey? Afraid!! You see, Daddy A himself considers this as a special power or gift of moms to babies. Both for the nutritive part and also for the ability to get her to sleep, to behave, etc.
Anyway, I just hope that it'll be a smooth transition when the day comes. I'll forever cherish that I was able to breastfeed at least this long!!
So what else is up?
We recently finished her Bert Lozada Swim School (BLSS) My Baby & Me program. She likes it so much I guess we have to enroll again :) Also loving her Gymboree Play & Learn sessions. I'm so glad that she's able to and actually wants to make friends with other kids :) --->stay tuned as I blog on these
We're training her to always be in the carseat when we travel. So far, 20-30% progress! Yikes! Aaaand, thoughts about school/education are being especially considered...double yikes! :)
If you want to talk with Z, here's your ultimate guide
Right now, Z is really a talker --> and I mean that in the best positive sense of the word. If you say anything to her, 98% chance she'll be able to parrot repeat it back to you. [Proud and gushing parent alert] Not only that, she's actually able to make small talk / communicate with us. And memorized a book (to her Lolo's pride), and sing-hum-babble nursery rhymes in tune, and remember people's names, and so much more!!
So without further ado, here are some words from Z's baby dictionary:
a-awi - go away; as in the rain rain go away song
abu - love you!
a-e-i - jollibee
ambum - album; yes we pore over the wedding and birthday album almost every night hihi
apul - apple
badet - violet; her Leap Frog stuffed animal
banens - violence. which she says while covering her eyes when she knows the TV is on
bigat - heavy
bijou - video
bikit - biscuit
bimbim - driving
bishet - bracelet
buntun - belly button
ding ding ding - hindi / no
duwing duwing - drawing as a verb or when she sees a pen
edi yaw - ayaw or no; i don't know who taught her this but that person probably wanted her to say "edi wow!" instead
edu - hello
haaak - hug
ingkong - aircon
kanggang - karga / carry
klay klay - suklay / comb
mamay - Mama Mary
mang - ninang / godmother
me-me - sleep
mina - Davina
minggo - Bingo (was his)
nimu - Name-o!
nonna - lola
nonno - lolo
one tu ti...maaaaaii - one to three smile!
pata - garapata / dog tick
pooot - fart
sary - rosary
shism - excuse me
tititititar - twinkle twinkle little star
umbowi - Gymboree
wiko wiko - hickory dickory
wiwim - swimming
and so much more! :)
Oh I just love this child....dearest Z, know that we are sooo proud of you and we love you always! Happy 18th month my (not so) little one! Looking forward to more (shopping? haha) adventures with you and Daddy A! Haaaaak! <3