Wednesday, January 24, 2018

My Sunday: Ang - Bohol Wedding

Hey everyone! I've been loving Facebook and Instagram stories so much but felt like some of these stories definitely shouldn't disappear in 24 hours!! So here you go, I'll be giving a blow by blow of My Sunday :) It's something I hope to continue (in like forever) so I'm not too M.I.A. here in my blog hahaha :) So how this goes is I still go on FB or IG stories, collate my picture and tell you the story later on. Sounds great?!

This story began late last year when our college blockmate, Mr. Ang, called Daddy A and asked if he can be his groomsman for his wedding. My first reaction was, "Carlos!!!" And all college memories seem to come back like it was just yesterday. You see, for the most part of our freshman year, Carlos and I were seatmates because we were seated alphabetically by surname. Front row, oh yeah!! Front row with our "terror" accounting prof, first ones to get called at class recitation, etc. We were seatmates but as per usual, the boys really bonded with their computer games. I think they also bonded well because of their LRT (train) commute and boyhood shenanigans.

They invited us so that Daddy A can be fitted with a suit and they graciously hosted dinner. We "returned the favor" by showing them what life with tired kids could possibly be like. I think they were shocked! Well, I for one was #shooketh too! Imagine the hysterics in a fine dining restaurant. This is where one would say, "lupa, lamunin mo ako"

Chicken Shawarma with fries and Passionata drinks (not in picture)

Anyway, their wedding day came and off we went to EDSA Shangri-la Hotel for so that Daddy A can join in the pictures with the other groomsmen. I just waited downstairs and had a wonderful time with my Kindle, I kid you not!

A view of EDSA Shangri-La Hotel's poolside

I'm not usually one to post OOTD pics but I think this would be a first. For most days I would be in a shirt and jeans but on this day my legs and my self-esteem (haha) braved wearing shorts! It was okay (and they were on sale! Yipee!) but it got a little bit too cold in the hotel.

Me trying to take a photo of my hair & make-up which I painstakingly did...I don't want to show my whole siopao face so there goes the heart :p

As I was saying, I enjoyed my Kindle reading time until I found out....they had free wi-fi connection. And it was super duper fast! I couldn't resist so I logged onto my account and brushed up on my pending "lessons". Thank you so much to my cousin Ate Julie for this!!! Sooo helpful, you have no idea!

By the way, I'm still trying to learn more about youtube and videos despite the fact that I got Youtube's email that my Youtube channel is one of those that wouldn't be eligible for monetization. Bahahaha..I admit it got me a bit sad that evening but still - #PUSH. Besides, although I'm not earning too much from Youtube, I'm really enjoying editing and posting our home videos, no matter how amateur it looks. 

I love

Okay, the wait went past an hour already and I only had very light lunch at home. I just know my tummy won't be able to handle not eating until the wedding reception so off I went to the lobby for some snacks. I asked for a quick snack, they recommended Chicken Shawarma wraps and Passionata iced tea. It IS expensive for what it is (see first picture) but it was really yummy and I was really famished so, take my money, hotel people!!! Of course, this is partly driven by vanity too! *peace* there's a nearby mall which is really just walking distance but I don't want my make-up to get icky before the wedding starts. Hahaha...

So while waiting, I read some more. The books I read were The Christian Parenting Handbook and The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy. I think I need to blog more about the parenting handbook but basically, it helps direct my parenting style as I'm especially struggling between discipline and punishment. In a nutshell, what I learned that day is that most parents are usually right, but not all are always wise. If there are challenges, we have to find the balance between firmness and relationship. Being too firm, our kids might feel like we are just all about rules and being too strict on them. Being too lenient, kids will also be confused because they also need boundaries from their parents. So balance is key. That's what I'm praying for. That's what I'm working on.

Now when it comes to oils and aromatherapy, I only use Young Living. I'm just a few months in yet I'm completely won over! I love the oils and I super duper love and appreciate the support of my team. High Five to the Oil Happy People! :)

However, I'm open to literature that can help expand my knowledge on how to use these oils safely and effectively for me and my family. Valerie Ann Worwood's book is one that I definitely recommend, even if it is not brand-specific.

I've used some of her recipes, and it does indeed support for our family's health concerns. I have more books coming up so I just can't wait to dig in! P.S. If you'd like to talk about oils, just send me a message :)


Okay so on a Sunday, the drive from EDSA Shangri-la to Fernwood Gardens takes around 45 minutes via EDSA. I know I've been here before some 15 years ago, when Daddy A and I were still dating. And now we have 2 kids! What?!?! I can almost remember my cousin's wedding here. I was a bridesmaid (I think), the motif was blue, I had plantsadong hair hahaha..and our family, I mean most of my cousins and aunts and uncles were all here. Those were the days...

A tip for you, although this is common knowledge, go to the wedding venue early. It saves you from stress and it also helps you find a good parking space. Another tip? Bring comfortable shoes. Not all areas here are paved. Learn from my mistake, my stilettos took a minor beating. Aaackk! 

So the special part...the wedding...I really love this part, I'll almost always tear up and cry ugly during this moment. I always think back to our wedding. And then I'll feel how the parents are feeling. Mostly the parents who'll be away from their children. Bittersweet....

The mother of the bride, Ms. Helen, she looked lovely...she really honestly looked like the bride's sister. She was always smiling but I can feel that there's a bit, just a tiny bit of longing. But the bride, she was aglow! When we met her together with Carlos, I could really tell she's a kind and happy lady. So in that aspect alone, Carlos is really lucky! Carlos and his parents also looked really good! I felt like a Tita seeing Carlos so different from the seatmate he once was. Wow! 

And you know what? The band was simply fantabulous!!! I can almost fall in love again, good thing Daddy A's there to catch me..hahaha, sino pa ba, di ba? LOL! :D I actually told him that if in the future he can afford to surprise me with a please please please hire this band! Good job really to the Impressions Music Ensemble. Ang galing niyo po!!! :D

Okay, so while the wedding entourage were taking post-nup photos with the couple, we also had some photo session for ourselves right by this phone booth. Hahaha. 


I guess now's the time to thank our OOTD creators hahaha... Daddy A's suit courtesy of the couple is from ZARA Man, his custom-made pants is from Boy Kastner Santos. My dress is from SURCO. :D


This place is sooo dreamy, right? I can only wonder how many romantic proposals have taken place in this gazebo??

Another shot, this time I tried to apply filters..

Ooohh-la-la. Kids, cover your eyes! 

Guess whose plate? Which is his and which is mine? 

The party ended at around 9-ish and although most have taken their leave, I really wanted to stay pa for the band coz they are playing one of my faves!! Ahhhh....I'll post some of the links below so you'll hear for yourself...Warning: goofiness in the next videos. 

Congratulations & best wishes Carlos & Monique!!!! :D

UPDATE: I got a message the following day from one of the groomsman whose account was suspiciously familiar. Surprise! Turns out he's the husband of a former student of mine. Now I really feel old :)

*In the spirit of full disclosure, there are affiliate links on this post, which means that I may get a commission if you decide to purchase anything from Amazon and Young Living. I only recommend products & systems that I use and love myself, so I know you’ll be in good hands :)


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