It's been a week, praise God we made it this far (without losing our minds..most of the time) :) I'd really love to share our VBAC or Vaginal Birth after Ceasarean but all that my blogging energy could muster is just a week-by-week snippet for now.
In summary it's been a half-crazy week of not knowing my name (hahaha, kidding!), caring for a newborn and trying to do more for my toddler, trying not to drive my husband crazy, healing my wounds and getting a grip of breastfeeding for the second time.
We've been out a couple of times for follow-up consultations with our OB (Dr. Menefrida Reyes) and baby's Pedia (Dr. Manlapaz). Thank God bilirubin level is at an acceptable range now and seems my episiotomy is healing well. The first few days I could hardly sit and had to manage putting weight on one side, with the help of a donut pillow or the breastfeeding pillow..whichever provides maximum relief at the time. My down-there-ouchies
was the one thing I wasn't prepared for. Let me say it now, it was so terribly sore I just wanted to be in bed the whole day and never ever sit again. I've researched alternative pain management for it. While some said to do hot sitz bath or boil guava/bayabas leaves and use the steam for healing, others cautioned that sometimes it could cause the sutures to melt (?) and might bring infection. Yikes! So I just followed doctor's orders to use Cutasept for episiotomy wound and Faktu ointment for the hemorrhoids/piles and air dry the area. Seems it is working!
Despite having almost 2.5 years of experience of breastfeeding Z, we still had some bumps in the start of our breastfeeding journey. Mostly because I'm feeling sore down there and another reason is due to poor or wrong latching/positioning. Very lucky to have Daddy A by my side to help me with basic lactation needs :) But when I felt the onset of engorgement that just won't go away - this, despite trying to do manual expression (Note: Use of breast pump is not recommended before the 6th week post-partum) I knew I had to get some help. Luckily I was referred by my classmates (birthing class) to Nanay Estella and she was able to accommodate my urgent need. The lactation massage was not only physically relaxing, it also gave me peace of mind when the engorged areas finally were relieved of blockages...whew! She also taught us how to nurse a newborn using the side-lying position knowing that I wasn't able to sit just yet. So worth it! :)
Oh, it's also been a week of no bathing.'s part of the Chinese post-partum confinement/recovery tradition better known as Ge-lai. Waaaah I don't know if I can promise an entire month without a shower. Good thing it's still a bit cold & chilly this time of the year so I won't promise but I'll try hahahaha :) Thank God for dry shampoo!!!! Otherwise I don't know how I'd go to our doctor's appointments with greasy and a week-old hair :,( Of course the good side to this would be the food. I don't know what they are called but if they're yummy and edible then they'd join the party in my tummy! Lapu-lapu fish soup with ginger, tea, hot chocolate, soup from prunes/dates...all good! :) Super thankful to my mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law for preparing these recovery dishes to aid in my healing :)
Of course, our semi-formal homeschooling is taking a short break. But I do hope that Z is learning as well from all these life changes we're having.
I haven't posted much photos yet but I'd like to thank all the special people who have made our second birthing & recovery much bearable. All our doctors and nurses and medical staff, both our families and special shout-out to friends (Ninang Choy & Bethchai) who spent their 2017 New Year being with us and caring for us. Much grateful too for our family who took care of Z while Daddy A & I were still in the hospital. Despite feeling groggy and dizzy on Day 1, know that we truly appreciate you being there for all of us.
Happy New Year everyone! :)
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