Eight months! :) Most Chinese consider it a lucky number..for us, it is both a lucky and a happy one and for many reasons! Best of which is the "return of the comeback" (haha too corny?) of Z's maternal grandparents (yep, my mom and dad!!!). It was so much fun seeing her reaction to these new set of loving arms, faces and hearts!
Well I myself have always wondered what kind of family dynamics we will have now? I mean they have always seen Z but mostly through pictures or Facetime communication only. Will it be familiarly strange or a strangely familiar feeling?
It's so heart-warming to see how even after 8 months of absence, the love between them is undeniably strong. Sometimes I think my dad wants to see more of his apo than his anak...hahahahaha :)
On her eighth month:
- Baby started taking to food! Oh what a happy surprise! This is something I have prayed about often, coming from an "unsuccessful" start at BLW.
- She really is more and more a sociable baby! Stringing syllables for baby sentences! Even as we pray the rosary, she tries to imitate mommy :)
- She loves to cruise around her crib...though she still detests being put inside it when asleep! Hahahaha..
- She's having so much fun with the walker her lolo and lola gave to her!
- Mommy and Daddy are still planning her 1st birthday party. Our guiding principle is to only spend as we can afford, and should be definitely below our means. We don't want to blow the bank with a single event!
- The best part I guess is that we have started bringing her with us as we hear Mass every Sunday! Of course, it helps that we bring along her Baby K'Tan or Tula Baby Carrier so she can nap instead of fussing around.
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